segunda-feira, 18 de novembro de 2019


Resultado de imagem para THE OPPOSITE ATTRACTION OF LOVE"

We hurt people that love us and love people that hurt us. Soon true love dies and indifference is born. Then we miss them badly and wish they had never left in the first place.

We are now left in the hands of those we claim we love but they cannot return our love as we wish them to. Because they don’t feel the same way as we do feel. They maltreat us and take undue advantage of our genuine love and feelings.

So search your heart thoroughly to know who you are and who you should share your love with. Because true love once lost can never be regained.

True love bears the mark of respect, endurance, patience, understanding and sacrifice. Never sell these qualities of true love for cheap especially to people who do not deserve it and do not deserve you.

Kwame Sarpong

God bless you!
See you later. Take care!

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